Believe in yourself


                           Believe in yourself


Believe in yourself is the first step you have to take towards your goal. The dream that you have in your eyes can only become true if you have belief in your potential. The belief of “I can” is the foremost option that must be there within you. The belief is the fuel that will create the entire inner potential active. The “I can” thinking within anyone can change the environment of the person internally and also externally. It will provide you enormous confidence in your journey. All our potential resides in the zone of self-belief. It is the key to get all the power within you.

A painter, a writer, a music composer, a sportsperson all of them need a great confidence to bring out the magic of their work. All the successful persons in different field have strongly believed in themselves. But the problem is most of us generally stopped believing ourselves after a failure. The idea that you are having, that you want to implement, can be seen only by you, the other people surrounding you are unable to see it. Only you can feel the result, the doubters don’t. The doubter’s will always try to make you understand to choose a safe road, a smart work to live your life, they will try to convince you for moving to a job, that will make your life secure. The non-believers will try to bring you in their group. Most of us also start doubting ourselves listening to them; we start to think that the idea must be crazy, it is not going to work. This lowers our confidence. The doubters are the expert in changing anyone’s “I can” to “I can’t.” On the other way, the non-dreamers, the doubters will also start criticizing your workings. They do this to make you believe in them, that the work started by you is not going to succeed. But you need to raise yourself above all the criticism. You need to ignore them.

The person, who has belief within him, can turn their weakness into their strength through the self-confidence. Self-belief is the power that will provide you the momentum. The force of self-believing, created inside you, will provide you the courage to move towards the unknown. You need to believe that you will do something new, something realistic. It will gift you great, the most awaited goal that you always wanted to achieve. When there will be no one to pat your back, to support you, when your family, your friends, your close one rejects you, call you crazy, then you have to stand against all of them, through the strong belief inside you. Make them sure that you don’t believe in them but you believe in yourself. You have to turn them wrong by proving yourself the winner.

The doubters doubt in your ideas because they itself lack self-confidence, they have doubt in themselves, they are unhappy with their workings. They believe that anything great in this world is impossible and call the achievers as lucky; but to you, the thing is totally different. You know anything in this world is possible because you are having self-confidence, you know that achievers are not lucky they are believers. Shout loud against the doubters and shut them up with your belief. Announce them that: “I believe in myself and I can do what I have visualized. I don’t bother your concept, I don’t doubt myself. I doubt you, not me; I have the courage to face you, to face the hurdle that will come in my way. I will prove you wrong. I will also let you know when I achieve my goal.” Believe me ‘Nothing can defeat you until you defeat yourself.’

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