Eleven winning HABITS

 The habits of punctual performers and winners who generally form their foundation of success are:

Wake up early within 5:00a.m., and use the Golden gift:
Most of the efficient works have been executed at the early morning. To be more specific, in the Brahmamuhurta, our brain remains super-active at this period, and the work you will put in your brain, it will capture better than any moment of the day. Our mind remains free to accept the job far better as the surrounding remains quiet when you will be working. Every successful people install this habit to get extra hours of working, when the losers were sleeping.
Our time is limited, the much time you will get, use it wisely. The early rising habit will provide you the potential to act at high level. This morning time will release all the potentials hidden in you. As sun rises and the sun rays remove the darkness, same will be happen within you; your early rising habit will remove the darkness contained and will show you the room full of inner treasures inside.
Take one hour, to manage you first, and then go for the work. In the first 6o minutes, you can take a walk for 20 minutes in the lap of nature, in next 10 minutes you can do any breathing exercise, use the next 10 minutes to meditate for the exercise of your mind, the next 10 minutes you can read two to three pages from any inspiring book to keep your energy at the top, the last 10 minutes you can use it to create a plan for the day. I generally call this 60 minute time as The Golden gift of each day. So try to install this habit to increase your potential. Use the golden gift of each day provided.
Read Every day:
Leaders, winners, victors and successful people in this world have the most valuable habit to read every day. Reading gives knowledge to go ahead in your path of success. This habit will provide you new learning every day, and will also supply you the thrust to climb up the ladder for reaching your goal. Those who are winners read every day to gather experiences, to gather processes to win the critical situations. Either you can read in morning time or you can read before going to bed, but read daily. Remember, your learning will attract your growth. The losers waste their time in gossiping, watching TV, surfing in smart phones, these jobs do not provide any type of benefit to them, on the other way, the winners do the opposite of them, they use this time by reading any book which will be rich in resources to absorb. Install this habit to increase the boundary of your knowledge.
Write in Journal:

Use a journal to maintain your daily planner. It is a very important work to plan your day in such a way that there remains no scope of wasting your time. The successful people maintain their journal each and every day without any miss. You need to sort out the most important jobs of the day firstly, both personal and also professional. Write them up according to their preferences. Provide deadline in each job, and try to finish them at the scheduled time. Break the harder jobs into small simple steps to complete them easily. Write up your appointments if any and indicate the time of it. Plan your personal workings to develop yourself more internally. Write down any important inspirational messages if you had got on that day from anybody. Go through your journal before going to bed, and see whether you have been able to complete every job or not. Write up all the good habits you want to bring within you in the weekly plan and tick it daily to indicate your improvement.
This habit of writing journal will provide you the clarity of progress and the areas you need to improve yourself. So, start it from today itself as it has been proved to be very helpful.

Practise Silence:

Silence is better than noise. The winner practises this silence every day. Silence provides us the power to go deep inside our subconscious mind to bring out the valuable treasuries. Reflect within yourself every day in silence to find out any valuable happenings of that day. Silence provides our mind to be more productive, as it increases the concentration power. An empty glass can never remain empty; it holds the same volume of air in it. Same is here also; silence has the importance as the sound has. When you are working in silence you will be much more productive than working in noise.

Practise silence to calm your turbulent mind, to increase your efficiency level. You can practise this process each day for 10 minutes before going to bed. This will increase your potential to execute the actions of future in a much better way.

Push more:

Pushing the limits of your boundary can only lead you to mastery. When you feel tired never accept it, it is the start of your journey. Remember, never allow the tiredness of your body to enter your mind, otherwise it will spoil your capabilities. Do not sidestep of capabilities. Push yourself more through the hurdles; try to break the boundary created in your mind. Winners always push their limit each and every day for their achievement.

Remain Discipline:

Discipline is the key to unlock the locked potentials in you. It enables you to lead a life with the principles of yours. Discipline will only come from the installation of the good habits and through constant practising of those habits. It is a punishment that forces your mind to follow you. Many people remain indiscipline throughout their life and these people are the directionless, dependent persons. Becoming discipline and following the rules you have created for yourself will bring the goal that have been set. 
If an authority has no control over its organization, then, there generates chaos in that place. The more disciplined an authority, the more respect he gets from his employees. You are the controller; you are the boss of your sense organs. Remain disciplined to keep them under your control. Remember, discipline is the disciple of success.
Listen more:

The person, who prefers to listen more than talk, learns more. The practise of listening more will enrich you with different knowledge from different sources, while talking more will cause the loss of your energy. Abraham Lincoln has well said, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. A good listener generally creates a good adjustment with different types of people in the society, and also he is able to make a circle of friends. People like listeners more than the talkers. So, build this habit of listening more as fast as you can. If you want to be a winner, then become a good listener first.
Can you tell me my child why do we pray? Srinath was spellbound. He could not speak. All Srinath wanted is to keep on listening from Partha. Partha smiled at Srinath, kept his right hand on Srinaths head and continues. We pray because we have firm faith within that the supreme consciousness is listening to us, reading our heart. Our faith serves the purpose. Remember always, the divine authority eternally acts. Never speaks of the action. What is the use of big thoughts if they are not carried into action at the same time? Arent all the big talks imaginary? Therefore the honest thoughts roll out in deeds. You need not show it to others.

Be committed:

Commitment is necessary to achieve a purpose. Ask yourself the question before starting any work, Am I committed? Dont start the job if you are not committed, because a job without commitment cant reach to its destiny. Commit yourself first, it is not a mere feeling, it is the fuel to fire you. Winners remain committed every second to win the battle of struggle.

Execute without expectation:

Your expectation from anything means you are not focusing fully on your work. Execute your job with the full focus you have. Dont distribute a percent of your focus on the result. Remember result is the output of your input. Result is the by-product. You just execute your action, the much you give that much you get.

    Dont show excuses:

Excuses are the false reasons shown by liars. Winners never show excuses, installing this habit is more important, because most of the people frequently show excuses to cover their fault. Excuses are given to put blame over others or over any situation. Take your own responsibilities. Dont blame others for your present situation. Never practise this inefficient habit of providing excuse. Where excuses start, learning stops. Be responsible, and create a habit to lead your life without false reasons.

Dont get addicted:

Addiction to anything reduces our efficiency within. Any kind of addiction like addiction to smart phones, any intoxication, will harm you physically and also mentally. This in turn affects the members in your vicinity. So detach yourself from any kinds of addiction as soon as possible to play at your highest role.

These habits are the golden steps to mastery. Install these habits and practise them regularly till they become a routine inside you; practise them day after day until you feel comfortable with these habits.


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