Identify your role

 Identify your role

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words.Listen.” Rumi.

Everything in this world is temporary,

nothing is permanent. Every matter has an end. The carrier of all ends is the time. The life we are gifted with is also a journey, which we all have to accomplish. We cannot move out from the path of life, until the time of our end comes. In this temporary world, we all have been

given a small role to play. The role given to us remains hidden within ourselves. Some people recognize their original role and succeed to play it; but most of us don’t even get a clue of the role residing within us, leading to failure. Most often, our judgment regarding ourselves becomes wrong. Most of the people always move towards the wrong path chosen by others. Forgetting their original role, they start to play the fake role provided. This is not their fault. The thoughts of becoming a follower,

rather than becoming a leader, have been

incorporated in their mind by the fake role

creators. After the birth of a child, he/she doesn’t have any kind of sense; they have a fresh mind like that of a white paper. They even don’t know about their parents. They even don’t know about their mother language. But gradually when they start to grow up, they come to know about their parents, their family; they learn all the things that are fed to them. All the family members, peers and others, write in that child’s mind about the belief they are having in themselves. The beliefs which

may be positive or negative incorporated in

the child’s mind, goes deep down to the subconscious mind and get sown. This seed

grows into big tree when the child gradually starts to grew up. A seed of falsehood or negative thinking leads a person to failure, as they never try to see beyond the disbelief within them. On the other way a seed of positivity makes a person open minded, he / she accepts the truth, try to learn something new. They have the real opportunity to grow.

The hunger for knowledge resides in them.

They always try to keep their mind fresh, so

that they can accept positive thinking in that space. These people are able to play their original role. They become the real successful person. In this temporary world, they keep an impression by their work.

Give your life a purpose. Live your life with

a glory. This journey will come to an end. At

the last stage of your journey you will remain satisfied for becoming an inspirational person to others. We all need to understand the path already being created by GOD, but the mistake we often do is by following the road created

by others. The road, to give the life a true

meaning is already residing in us. The only

thing we need is to hear the inner voice and

follow its direction. It will help us to meet the path through which our real journey will start. Don’t ever doubt the inner voice. It is your soul, which wants to serve the real purpose of life. If we distrust the voice of our soul, we generally are doing suicide from inside. Keep your soul alive. In this world, a person is temporary, but his work is not, the service provided by the work of the person will be permanent, till the period, life exists in this world. 

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