Be a leader and not a follower

 Be a leader and not a follower

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray
to be stronger men.” J.F Kennedy.

Leaders are not those, who occupy
the chair of CEO in a big organization,
leaders are not those who control thousands of workers under him, because the chairs are temporary, the power is temporary, their position is temporary; someday, their chair, power and position will be occupied by another person. I am not disrespecting them, but, in my point of view, leaders are those who can win themselves, who can win the limitations set by the society.
From the time we came in our Mother
earth; we see the world moving at its own
pace. The whole world created by nature has its own natural society; but in that natural society, there is also another society created by the humans. The human society created by us is a web; like that of a spider create its web to catch prey. Most of us fall in the web of the artificially created society by the humans. It binds us in such a way that we are left with no option rather to follow it.
The environment of the human society,
force a child from birth to accept what is
happening around them. Most of us are being forced by some external factors to choose what other has done. They don’t provide us the opportunity to understand ourselves. In this formed society, there are already some set examples, which we need to follow. We are always forced to become a follower. To make copy is the rule of this society. The originality of the natural society has been covered with the web of the human society. After we acquire our sense, we are forced in various competitions. The life in the human society is based on narrow thinking; it creates
the limitations around the thinking power,
the imagination power of a person. On an
average the life in this society, is bounded
by the circle of birth, academic career, jobs,
family maintain and finally death. The
persons in this society do not even try to
discover themselves. They follow the path
already being created by others. They don’t
even come to know why nature has gifted
them such a beautiful life. They remain
purposeless. They are forced to gather the
created knowledge to earn their living. There is no highest knowledge than the self￾knowledge. Understanding self to create something new, to reach out the natural society, to find the path which is separate thanalready being created is the real knowledge.
There are a few people, who dare to come
out of the limitations created by the human
society. They have the courage to change the
thinking power of others by their work. They prefer the natural society most because they believe in powers of the nature, self￾knowledge. They are the leaders. The whole world follows their workings. You know, the nature has provided us with all the items, which the human society is using. They remain in hidden form. The leaders are the inventors of these hidden items; they unmask the things in front of the human society. The
leaders are of generally creative minds. They are having the inner strength to follow the law of nature. They have the courage to think something new, out of the box. They know if nature has gifted them a beautiful life, then the life has a special purpose. They don’t allow wasting their energy running behind a fake purpose, incorporated in this society. Their life is bound by a totally different circle. Leaders have the power of imagination. Imagination provides them thinking, thinking provides them knowledge, and knowledge shows the path to implement their imagination. Finally, they get the success for becoming a creator not a follower.
My request to the followers is to come
out off the web which has tightened them
up. Break all the limitations, increase your
imagination power, think differently, reflect
within yourself, and search the nature within you. Don’t combine yourself with the
followers, don’t accept their thinking. You
are a born leader; grow the leadership
qualities in you. Believe in yourself; believe
that you can create something new. Bring the attitude to face the struggle; to face criticism.
Leaders accept their failure; they take it as an experiment to learn. They know that in
failure lies success, in the long run they are
the winners. The followers don’t know the
meaning of their life. They simply move
towards the path where they are thrown. They have fear to face the struggle, to face failure. They don’t have the courage to stand up after failure. Don’t listen to them. You are a leader, conquer yourself and you will conquer the whole world.

By Srijon Chatterjee.

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