Wednesday 30 June 2021

Assignment on FRACTION

 Answer the following questions:

1. Arrange the following fraction in ascending order : (2)

(3/4), (5/6), (7/9), (11/12)

2. Simplify: (2)

[8(5/6)] – [3(3/8)] + [1(7/12)]

3. Find: (2)

• (5/6) of an year

• (7/50) of a litre

4. Cloth is being sold at ₹ [42(1/2)] per meter. What is the cost of [5(3/5)] meters of this cloth? (2)

5. 18 boxes of nails weigh equally and their total weight is [49(1/2)] kg. How much does each box weigh? (2)

6. Mangos are sold at ₹ [43(1/2)] per kg. What is the weight of mangoes available for ₹ [326(1/4)]? (2)

7. Find the perimeters of (i) ΔABE (ii) the rectangle BCDE in this figure. Whose perimeter is greater? (2)

8. Salil wants to put a picture in a frame. The picture is 7(3/5) cm wide.To fit in the frame the picture cannot be more than 7(3/10) cm wide. How much should the picture be trimmed? (2)

9. Vidya and Pratap went for a picnic. Their mother gave them a water bottle that contained 5 litres of water. Vidya consumed 2/5 part of the water. Pratap consumed the remaining water.(2)

(i) How much water did Vidya drink?

(ii) What fraction of the total quantity of water did Pratap drink?

10. Which is greater: (1)

(i) 2/7 of 3/4 or 3/5 of 5/8

11. Lipika reads a book for 1(3/4) hours everyday. She reads the entire book in 6 days. How many hours in all were required by her to read the book? (1)

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